A CITY man who damaged a row of 12 parked cars after a night out, was caught when police matched his DNA to blood traces on one of the vehicles.

Timothy Green, aged 20, from Randwick Drive, Warndon, Worcester, and an unnamed friend, went on a spree of damage after Green had a row with his girlfriend.

They walked down Goldsmith Road, Worcester, attacking parked cars and smashing car windows.

They took items from some of the vehicles and scattered them on a nearby footpath, Worcester magistrates were told yesterday.

Police caught up with Green, who had recently been released from prison, by matching DNA from blood traces from one car to his police record.

"A blood sample was removed from a black Fiat Uno vehicle, and was matched to the defendant," said Mary Wallace, prosecuting.

"He said he had had an argument with his 'missus'. He had gone out with another male, who he refused to name. He was very drunk and took part in damaging some of the vehicles."

Andrew Childs, defending, said the identity of the other man involved had still not been revealed to the police.

"My client accepts he was involved in this activity, although his memory was patchy," said Mr Childs.

"My client had just come out of prison when this occurred. He shouldn't have got drunk and he shouldn't have caused this damage. He's very sorry about it.''

Green admitted criminal damage to the Fiat Uno and asked for 11 other offences to be taken into consideration.

He was granted unconditional bail and his case was adjourned to Wednesday, April 9.