THE leader of Worcester City Council has pledged his support for the country's armed forces who he said are about to face "the greatest challenge of their lives".

At a meeting of the council's cabinet Councillor Stephen Inman said it was a time of turbulence in international relations.

"It would be wrong of the cabinet to enter into a debate as to the merits or otherwise of the action being taken by American, UK and other governments," he said.

"But we cannot ignore the fact that a considerable number of this country's armed services will be taking part in that action risking their life or risking injury.

"Some of those soldiers, sailors and airmen will have close connections with this city.

"For that reason, I feel the cabinet should rally to the call of the family of Jennifer Poyner - a Worcester citizen serving with the Royal Army Medical Corps - to support all servicemen and women now close to the war zone," Coun Inman said.

"I want to say personally, as I believe do members of the cabinet and other members of the council, that we fully support all of our armed forces who will be engaged on what for most will be the greatest challenge of their lives.

"While opinion is divided as the merit of the action at home, we cannot fail to give 100 per cent support to those men and women on a personal level."

"Let them be blessed with good fortune and may they return to our midst without loss," he added.