A WORCESTER teenager has breathed a huge sigh of relief after a generous benefactor gave her a bike so that she could carry on with her paper round.

Rachel Coleshill, aged 13, had her bike stolen from the garden of her home, in Harvey Walk, off Lansdowne Road.

She has been doing her paper round on foot since the theft, which happened more than a week ago, but this has been taking her almost three times as long.

The Bishop Perowne High School pupil was using up one-and-a-half-hours of valuable homework time to do the round after school.

But following an article in the Evening News, a generous Worcester couple have stepped forward and given Rachel a bike, which means she can go back to delivering the Evening News in her area in 30 minutes.


It is the second mystery donor to come forward and help the family, after a mystery man gave a bike to Rachel's brother, Daniel, who also had his bike stolen from the garden on the same night.

"Rachel's so happy," said her mother, Sally Coleshill.

"She did get quicker walking the round as the week went on, but it was still taking her ages.

"And of course her weak ankles weren't helping."

The couple who donated the bicycle are from Bevere, Worcester, and want to remain anonymous.

They said the reason for the spare bike was the husband's love of "tinkering".

"My husband is always in the garage fiddling around with lawnmower engines and bikes - he loves it," said his wife.

"He said to me when he saw the article in the Evening News 'my goodness, we've got a nice bike we can give to her'.

"We've got a 13-year-old grand-daughter and we thought it would suit a 13-year-old girl perfectly.

"It's nice to be able to help someone."