A CITY hospice which cares for people with life-threatening illnesses is just one of dozens of charities which have benefited from the fund-raising muscle of Worcester Round Table.

And, thanks to the Round Table's Make a Difference campaign, dozens more groups in the county are looking forward to a boost.

The group, which combines "friendship, fun and fund-raising", was able to buy a minibus for St Richard's Hospice, in Rose Hill, thanks to hours of hard work by members who volunteer their time.

The hospice said the minibus had been a "wonderful resource", allowing it to pick up patients from all over the county, and also take patients out on social trips.

"Last year, St Richard's cared for more than 1,000 patients and their families in the South Worcestershire area, free of charge," said Marilyn Peachey, director of fund-raising for the hospice.

"Only with the help of the public and organisations such as Round Table can the hospice continue with that service."

Worcester Round Table raises thousands of pounds every year through fund-raising and social events.

The Making a Difference campaign has been launched in conjunction with the Evening News to give that money away to worthy local causes.

Say why

Every month, there will be £1,000 up for grabs, and local groups, clubs and organisations are invited to write in and say why they need the money and what it would be spent on.

It could be new costumes for a theatre group, play equipment for a children's nursery, or games and hobby materials for a pensioners' social club.

A panel of judges will then decided how best to distribute the £1,000 between the worthy organisations.

To enter, organisations need to fill in the coupon on this page and, on a separate piece of paper, write in 200 to 500 words why they need the money and what, specifically, it would be spent on. Type-written applications are preferred.

Post the application and coupon to: Sarah Taylor, Promotions Department, Worcester Evening News, Berrow's House, Hylton Road, Worcester WR2 5JX.

The closing date for applications for this months' £1,000 is Monday, March 31.

Last year, more than £10,000 was raised through Worcester Round Table's three major fund-raising schemes.

These include the annual November bonfire and fireworks display, on Pitchcroft Racecourse, the selling of hot roasted chestnuts at the annual Worcester Victorian Christmas Fayre, in December, and a charity golf day, held in September.

By redistributing these funds in the local community, Worcester Round Table hopes to be able to really make a difference.