ATTEMPTS by Clifton-upon-Teme Village Hall committee to tap into money left over from the Malvern Millions Scheme have fallen on stony ground.

The committee is currently planning a £250,000 refurbishment and wants to use £5,575, which was originally allocated under the Malvern Millions Capital Grants Scheme in 1996 but has been told it is too late.

District Council Strategic Director for Council Governance, Kevin Douglas, informed councillors at the February executive committee meeting that the former council approved a capital grant of £22,639 for improvements to Clifton-upon-Teme Village Hall in March 1996.

He said: "In 1998 this council agreed that all outstanding capital grants under the Malvern Millions Scheme had to be drawn down by March 31, 2000 but because of difficulties experienced by the village hall committee, the then executive board approved an extension of time to March 31, 2001.

"Only two further invoices were received before the cut-off date. To give Clifton-upon-Teme a grant might set a precedent," he said.