BILL Wiggin MP has pulled off a good result for his constituents and his efforts could result in Broadband, the latest Internet communication technology, coming to Tenbury Wells.

The Leominster MP, whose constituency also covers Tenbury Wells, hopes that a planned pilot scheme of Broadband that has been switched from Bridgnorth to Leominster, will be successful.

Bill's constant pressure was one of the deciding factors for changing the pilot scheme from Shropshire to North Herefordshire.

Broadband, with its faster Internet access, has been one of the MP's main concerns for many months because he believes it could have an enormous impact on small business across the area.

Pushing BT to reduce the trigger levels used to gauge demand, he said: "I never left them alone! I have constantly pestered the agencies involved, met with BT bosses at local telephone exchanges and written letters every week.

"Once I found out about government plans, I asked them where the money was going and they told me Advantage West Midlands. After some persuasion, they decided Leominster was the better location."

James Saundby from Advantage West Midlands said: "One of the deciding factors in determining appropriate locations is to have local support and champions like Mr Wiggin and we will be working to deliver Broadband technology as quickly as possible."

Technical limitations could mean that some places outside the Leominster area may not get the service but West Midlands are working on solutions to fill the gaps and DEFRA are also pushing for Broadband to be quickly available in rural areas.

If all goes well with the pilot scheme and demand for it in Tenbury is positive, it could soon be Broadband for all in Tenbury and the Teme Valley.