A heroin addict who hurt a two-year-old child left in his care has been jailed for three and a half years at Worcester Crown Court.

The youngster was taken to hospital with scratches and bruises on her face and she may have been bitten, said Tim Sapwell, prosecuting.

Jason Flannery told police he was having withdrawal symptoms from his drug habit and he had no recollection of what had happened.

Flannery, aged 21, of Ombersley Close, Woodrow, pleaded guilty to assault causing actual bodily harm and to other charges of burglary, theft, interfering with a car and failing to surrender to his bail.

Tim Harrington, defending, said it was difficult to know how the child's injuries were caused and there was no clear evidence of biting. But it was obvious Flannery was in no state to look after a child.