Review of Les Miserables - North Bromsgrove High School

WHILE it's name may summon up misery, this version of the world-wide smash musical brought left me with a huge smile on my face.

It was a clear example of how much can be achieved by many hours of hard work and dedication.

This stage version of Victor Hugo's epic tale portraying living conditions for the 19th Century French poor has wowed audiences wherever it's played and it took much courage for the school to put on such a famous show - an epic in itself.

The students have done it superbly, complemented by the orchestra, creating a production quite impossible to forget.

Tim Balnave as Jean Valjean (prisoner 24601), embittered by years of hardship and persecuted by Chris Trenfield's Inspector Javert, was outstanding while Laura Kyte (Cosette), Alison Wilkes (Eponine) and Enjouras (Tome Leaman) must not go unmentioned.

Laughter and tears

Tom Ayres and Sarah Porter as Monsieur and Madam Thenardier were able to bring both laughter and tears to my face.

Combine all this with songs which have become classics, such as Master of the House, Bring Him Home and Do You Hear the People Sing, and the end result brought this famous musical even closer to my heart.

Congratulations to North Bromsgrove High School.

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