THE current lies and spin are very reminiscent of what we British were called upon to suffer in Palestine during 1945-48.

The future of peace in the Middle East lies in the United Nations insisting that those who finance Israel order that country to get out of the West Bank and other occupied territories.

Bush and his toady Blair are being manipulated by international Zionism. The bait of Iraq's oil is being dangled in front of Bush.

In 1945-48 we endeavoured to maintain an economically viable, multi-racial Palestine. International Zionism had other views, as did the terrorists, when no fewer than 338 British service personnel lost their lives.

An attack on Iraq will alienate the Arab world, possibly Islam as a whole, with consequences here at home.

The aftermath of what may be a 'walkover' military campaign, assuming that Armageddon does not take place, will be devastating in having to deal with embittered innocent civilian victims of modern weapons of war. An army of occupation could be in place for years to come.

However, in the event of our service personnel becoming involved in this "Bush event", our boys and girls can count on our 100 per cent support.

The future of Blair and his cronies, if such in political terms is calculable, would appear to be in the past already.

County Councillor Tom Wareing

Jays Close

Winyates Green