Further to your front page article (Advertiser, March 5) relating to Pete's Travel and the buses.

Mr Hickenbothom stated people were quite happy with their buses operating from Church Green and not from the bus station.

I would like to inform him that most pensioners I have spoken to are not happy with the 61a bus operating from Church Green.

Since most Redditch supermarkets are now out of town, it means a walk from Church Green to the bus station to catch a bus to either Tesco or Sainsbury's.

This in itself is bad enough, especially in bad weather, but on return from the supermarkets the buses unload in the bus station which means a walk uphill, with heavy shopping bags to catch a bus for the return journey home.

Because of the way the time tables are drawn, this often means a missed connection and a 40-minute wait, outdoors, for the next bus.

Perhaps Mr Hickenbothom would like to comment.

I have, incidentally, tried on three occasions to speak to him only to be told he would return my call. Needless to say he has not.

Mrs IM Ward (aged 86)

Church Hill North