I READ the Newsfocus section (Advertiser, March 12) which featured Councillor Gavin Smithers and his strategic plans for Redditch should his party gain control of the council after the local election.

Yet again, Gavin hints at policy but does not actually give us any clear policy intention, just another negative banter of what everyone else does wrong.

Therefore, I would like to put forward what affect I felt Gavin's few policy hints would have on Redditch.

The current administration, Labour dominated, increased rates by four per cent locally, while Gavin's Tory Party increased rates by 14 per cent at county level.

The nearest comparable Tory town council is Stratford - they increased their rates by 50 per cent. (I take it Gavin means he will follow Stratford's example.)

Gavin says Labour missed out on chances regarding council houses. Labour is investing £38 million in them over the next five years, the majority of this money being funded by central government.

Does Gavin mean his party will sell them off and lose all this investment in people and social housing?

He complains about Arrow Valley Park. Does he mean he will reduce provision in this vital environmentally friendly leisure provision?

He complains about community halls. Does he mean he will close them?

Gavin, once again, is straining at his leash, with scissors in hand, waiting for the chance to snip away all of Redditch's investments in its people and its environmental provisions.

I would, as I have many times in the past, ask Gavin to be specific about his intentions. He can only be stopped via the ballot box.

Robin King

Huband Close
