Controversial plans to create a large housing estate off Rough Hill Drive near Crabbs Cross island looked set to get the go-ahead last night.

Redditch Co-operative Homes is planning a 30-home estate on what is now a green area at the top of Rough Hill Drive.

But the plans have generated a large number of complaints from neighbours, some worried about the 'type' of tenants who will be living there, others about traffic and the loss of a pleasant piece of greenery.

It is thought a 600-700-year-old hedge would also be lost to the houses.

But other Redditch Co-operative Homes developments have proved successful, prospective tenants taking a hand in the design of their homes and running of the estates.

Co-operative Homes chairman Ken Somner was positive about the development, pointing out the land was earmarked for residential development in the Local Plan and was always going to be built on.

Council officers feel that, 'on balance', the development is acceptable and councillors on the planning committee were due to decide the issue last night.