A DERELICT eyesore in Mount Pleasant looks likely to be torn down and redeveloped.

The boarded up carpet store, which used to be Mount Pleasant Garage, could be turned into a three-storey building with six flats and eleven parking spaces.

Councillors on the planning committee were due to decide on the scheme last night.

But the plans, submitted by Twatling Holdings, have run into some obstacles after a neighbour said he has right of vehicular access through the rear of the site to his garden.

The developers deny this but Redditch Council officers say it is a matter that should be decided privately.

Other objections include the location of a bin store, fears about parking in Mount Pleasant, the height of the development and worries about contamination from the old garage.

Some residents also complained about the loss of four rented garages at the back of the building.

But officers feel the development is an acceptable use for the brownfield site and have asked for the bin store to be moved.