Tripod, which helps people recovering from mental illness, has two successful projects running at the moment.

The charity was set up in 1996 following concern that there was a decreasing amount of money being put into employment and support for recovering mental health service users.

Its Outdoor Pursuits and The Seven Cooks Diner projects aim to increase clients' self-esteem and confidence so they can at some point return to work or education.

Tripod, which became a charity in July 1999, symbolises three elements - structure, development and activity - which are believed necessary to achieve occupation, training and suitable employment.

Outdoor Pursuits, which has been running for six years, offers service users the chance to attend a four-day camp at an outdoor education centre where they are encouraged to take part in activities such as canoeing, abseiling and orienteering.

Outdoor Pursuits was last year's runner-up at The Lilly Schizophrenia Reintegration Awards.

The Seven Cooks Diner began just one day each week but the opening hours soon covered all five days.