WOODRUSH captain Paul Moore has promised league leaders Solihull a tough time when they visit Old Icknield Street on Saturday.

Two previous attempts to play the Powergen North Midlands One fixture have been abandoned because of the state of the Woodrush pitch - with the hosts hinting Solihull were running scared last time out.

Solihull vice captain Neil Perry angered Woodrush by describing them as one of three 'fairly poor' sides his team had yet to face this season and Moore - ruled out by injury this season - wants his troops to respond at the weekend (ko 2.30pm).

He was still smarting after a 17-5 weekend derby to near neighbours Woodrush dented his hopes of a top four finish.

Solihull are sitting pretty after avenging an open day defeat to Veyseyans by beating the same opponents 39-11 at the weekend to all but end their fading title hopes.

The result leaves Solihull top of the table on points difference despite Worcester's 107 unanswered points against Five Ways Old Edwardians, and enjoying a game in hand on their title rivals - against Woodrush.

Solihull hope to be unchanged but Woodrush back row Jamie Maddocks is doubtful with badly bruised ribs and centre Ian May could be rested.