JILL Findon, president, welcomed members to the March meeting of Finstall WI.

Members were asked to consider a visit to Witley Court in May, followed by a meal. Members were also reminded that the meeting in April would be the institute's birthday and were asked to bring refreshments.

After the business part of the meeting, Mrs Findon welcomed the speaker Joanne Gloger, who spoke about the Forge Mill Needle Museum. This was a most interesting talk and with the aid of slides, members saw how the needle industry started in Redditch. The basic method of needle making started off as a coil of carbon wire which had been brought to the factory by the canal nearby. It was a well-paid but dangerous job, injuries included lung problems from the dust, and eye problems from the grinding machines were prevalent. Up until 1958, all the needle factories in Redditch sent their unfinished needles to Forge Mill to be scoured, cleaned and polished. Joanne Gloger was thanked by Mrs Findon. The competition for a needle case was won by Ann Parr and the raffle prize by Audrey O'Carroll.