THERE are still 12 days left for prospective Alcester Town Council candidates to put their names forward for the upcoming election on May 1.

A poster campaign has swept the town in a bid to encourage residents to put their names forward before the April 1 deadline.

Returning officers at Stratford Council said no one from Alcester had, as yet, put their names down to be in with a chance of becoming a town councillor.

There are three wards in the town with differing numbers of seats including Alcester ward with nine seats, Oversley ward with six seats and Oversley Green ward with one seat.

Candidates from Alcester will be eligible to stand for any of the three wards and also if they live in an adjoining parish within three miles of Alcester.

To be in with a chance, candidates need two local residents, who are included in the register of electors, to second their nomination papers.

For nomination papers and other advice, residents should contact the returning officer at Stratford District Council on 267575.