YOUR headline in the Alcester Chronicle of March 12 was a bit misleading.

As I understand it, Councillor Malcolm Graham criticised the display of the Advantage Alcester consultants, not their actual proposals, which are excellent.

I don't know who is to blame for the continuous stream of negativity emanating from Alcester's town council. Is it them or is it your paper's reporting?

It is a pity, whoever it is, because there is a dynamism around the town these days and I wish our elected representatives shared it.

Perhaps the elections in May (the first for eight years) will liven up our council at last.

If there is anyone who wants to join them, the papers for nomination must be in by April 1 and are available from Globe House.

I would also hope for a better standard of treatment for Alcester affairs by your paper. Your reporters are first class. Why not use them around our town more often?

Maybe you should read the Bear Flag more!

Jonathan 'Bill' Bayley


The Bear Flag

Henley Street


Editor's note: Our headline 'Councillor slams show' and article clearly highlighted Mr Graham's criticism of the presentation of the Advantage Alcester display. Nowhere was there any mention of criticism of the actual plans being put forward by the consultants.