THE seventh AGM was held at the Jubilee Court Community Centre on March 6.

The past year was reviewed by the Chairman and a financial statement presented. The committee was elected for the coming year.

The large audience was then treated to a talk on Making the most of your Greenhouse by Brian Cook from Warwickshire College - Moreton Morrell.

He concentrated on the cold or cool greenhouse, recognising that most amateurs cannot afford to use a large amount of heat. Nevertheless, he gave ideas for using the space in every month of the year.

In January and February early strawberries can be forced and many seeds sown. Propagating from cuttings can start in February to March and during the summer months peppers, tomatoes and aubergines can give a good crop.

Herbaceous perennials can be grown from seed sown in June, deciduous shrubs from cuttings in July. A good idea was to grow bulbs for naturalising in the autumn and plant them out in flower in spring. This is also the time to think about producing freesias and maybe a crop of new potatoes for the Christmas table.

There was so much in his talk that gave new ideas and tips. Brian was not afraid to challenge outdated ideas - condemning one member's rooting powder, inherited from her father who died in the 1970s.

Members and guests are welcome at the next meeting on Thursday, April 3, when the speaker will be Suzanne Shacklock from Long Compton with a talk entitled Desires, Disasters and Delights.

It is also time to book seats on the May 18 trip to Burford House and the garden at the Bannut. The trip costs £13 for members, £14 for guests and a deposit of £5 will secure a ticket. Call the secretary on 01789 765105 for details.