'BRILLIANT.' 'Wonderful.' 'One of the best concerts ever.'

These were just some of the comments after the March concert given by The Eimer Piano Trio, who showed just why they have been chosen to perform in the final of the World Piano Competition in Australia later this year.

Dvorak's 'Dumky' Trio proved an excellent choice to begin, giving all three musicians an opportunity to display their virtuosity as well as their total empathy with each other.

This was followed by the Phantasie Trio by British composer Frank Bridge, which he wrote for a competition at the Royal College of Music in 1908. The programme ended with a tremendous performance of Brahms Trio in B with its sublime third movement.

The next concert will be on April 5 by the award winning Trio Tagore who are Marie Vassiliou, soprano; Verity Butler, clarinet; and John Forster, piano. They include music by Schubert, Spohr and Gershwin in their programme. More details on 546056.