ON March 7, Geoffrey Stone gave a photographic tour entitled Moguls and the Moon Gods - a whistlestop tour of India and Nepal.

His images included Delhi, Jaipur's Maharajah's palaces, Agra and Khatmandu with the famous Buddhist white-domed stupa.

All were used to demonstrate his argument that Eastern culture, once thought inferior, was not so.

In order to prove this, he showed a variety of amazing buildings including temples, mosques and forts such as the famous Red Fort at Agra.

Just as striking were his images of the diverse people he saw, varying from lepers to handsome men, beautiful sari-clad women and lovely children.

The speaker clearly enjoyed the tremendously varied modes of transport, and his flight over Mt Everest.

Sometimes he had taken risks getting photographs of burning funeral pyres or showed images of carvings that might offend.

He also showed how easy it is today to enhance photographs, adding a reflection and a boat to a photo of the Taj Mahal.

He left it to his photographs to prove his argument and he finished by quoting: "We were here before you and we will be here after you."

The next talk will be given by Brendan Flynn, who is the curator of Fine Art at Birmingham Art Gallery.

His subject is Pre-Raphaelites in the Birmingham Collection.

This will take place on Friday, March 21 at 7.30pm at Trinity High School. Visitors welcome.

Call 01386 792082 for more details.