AN anti-war campaigner has condemned today's attack on Iraq as "illegal" and "utterly outrageous".

Isabel Swift, of Worcester's Stop the War Coalition, said the killing of innocent civilians should not be done in our names and has attacked MPs for allowing it to happen.

She is launching a demonstration at High Street's Elgar Statue and is asking anti- war protesters to rally to the cause.

"Our thoughts today are with innocent Iraqis, women, men and children who will suffer and lose their lives in the coming months and years," she said.

"This war is economically-fuelled, and the propaganda smoke-screen has not for one moment convinced the majority of the British public of the validity of the blood-bath that has now begun.

"Voters in Britain would not forget Tony Blair's actions.

"Voters in Worcester will not ignore Mike Foster's support of our government's heinous foreign policy.

"Peace will never be achieved in the Middle East, and terrorism never combated effectively, until the powers that be are able to develop a global conscience and practice generosity instead of genocide.

"Until the hypocrisy and double standards concerning the Israel/Palestine crisis are re-examined, and a just and fair agreement is reached for both the Palestinian and Israeli people, there will be no end to slaughter, discrimination, misery and terrorism.

"Worcester Stop the War Coalition urges the public to keep protesting, keep demanding that their voices be heard.

"Go to the Elgar Statue at 6pm today as a message of solidarity and sympathy with the Iraqi people.

"Prove to Blair and Foster that they are in the vast minority, and the people of Worcester declare that this war is not in our names."