"Nobody wanted military action, but it became inevitable when negotiations at the UN failed. Our thoughts have to be with our armed forces overseas and with their relatives back home and like everybody I hope for a swift end to the military conflict.

"And then, importantly, a push towards a permanently peaceful solution and the creation of a Palestinian state which gives us the stability in the Middle East that has not been there for many years."

Worcester MP Mike Foster

"Now that the war no one wanted, but many felt was necessary, has begun there are only two things that matter. First we must hope that victory comes quickly. Second we must hope that victory is won with the lowest possible number of casualties, military and civilian. We can look forward, ultimately, to a more peaceful and stable world, but the next few days and weeks will be distressing and worrying. Our armed services - and their families - deserve our unqualified support and prayers."

Mid-Worcestershire MP Peter Luff

"Our thoughts are with our British soldiers, sailors, airman and women and their families. They are fighting proudly and effectively for long-term peace and stability of the world and also for the security of our country and whole way of life. There can be no more noble cause. We wish them a safe return when their task is done."

West-Worcestershire MP Sir Michael Spicer.

"It is with great sadness that I learn that the first blows have been struck in the war against the ruling regime in Iraq. Although I voted against the immediate start of hostilities, now we are in this position it is our duty to support our troops with our hopes and prayers for their

safety, a speedy resolution. Although civilian casualties are inevitable, we can only hope that they can be kept to the absolute minimum and that as soon as war is over, immediate steps to rebuild the country will be taken."

Wyre Forest MP Dr Richard Taylor.

"At this time my first thoughts are with British forces. In my role as Liberal Democrat shadow defence secretary I get to meet many members of the Armed Forces, and I was lucky enough to meet some of the forces stationed in Kuwait on a visit there in January.

"Our forces always perform their duties with great skill and courage. They know that whatever the discussions and debates that go on over the political decisions that lead to a war, if conflict begins they will be supported by the whole House of Commons, and indeed the whole country.

Hereford MP Paul Keetch