A PLUCKY pooch, who showed "bulldog" spirit after being brought back to life from a heart attack, is now looking for a loving owner to help see out his days.

If cats have nine lives, then a little terrier by the name of Winston Churchill, from the National Canine Defence League in Evesham, definitely has more than one.

The 12-year-old stray has not only survived a heart attack, but also two massive strokes.

He has now been moved to the NCDL's Evesham re-homing centre from Dumfries in Scotland.

Despite these setbacks, Winston still has a real zest for life, and is now looking for a Worcestershire resident to offer him a foster home.

"Before coming to Evesham he suffered a heart attack after getting a little over-excited on a run," said Chris Slight, NCDL Evesham manager.

"Luckily for him, a member of staff was able to rush to his aid and he was able to survive."

Since arriving in Evesham, his health has been fine, and staff are hoping someone can help him spend the remainder of his nine lives.


"Winston is now taking life a little easier, we're hoping someone can give him a relaxing, enjoyable and well deserved retirement," said Mr Slight.

Winston's ideal home would be one where he can do a small amount of exercise and who can remember to put his dog coat on to keep him from getting a chill.

If there is anyone interested in giving Winston, or any other rescued dogs a home at NCDL Evesham, please contact the centre on 01386 830 613.