ANYONE needing time to reflect upon the outbreak of war can find solace and worship in the heart of Worcester.

People wanting to light a candle or offer a prayer to men and women serving in the Middle East can do so at the Cathedral. And a joint Christian and Muslim service is being held next week at St Martin's Church in London Road.

A spokeswoman for the Cathedral confirmed although no special services in regards to war had so far been arranged for this week, people were still welcome to offer prayers.

"There is a section of the Cathedral always set aside for people to write messages on a prayer board or to light a candle for anyone needing some time to reflect," she said.

The Cathedral is open from 7am until 6pm with the morning service Matins at 7.30am Holy Communion at 8am and Evensong at 5.30pm.

Both Christian and Muslim community leaders will be speaking at the Prayers for Peace service on Wednesday 26th March at St Martin's Church, beginning at 8pm. All faiths in the community are warmly invited to attend.