A COUNCILLOR'S claim that a thriving community group working hard to improve life on a Droitwich estate could lose vital backing, has been dismissed as misleading

Councillor Roy Seabourne, chairman of the Westlands Community Planning Forum, fears that Wychavon District Council will cease its funding for the group's second phase of work.

The forum spent the last four months spotting and dealing with problems harming the quality of life on the estate.

"There is much to be done and it may be that Wychavon will withdraw most of its support for the next phase. We shall not let this deter us from continuing this work," said Coun Seabourne, who is a Labour district councillor for Droitwich West.

But council managing director Sid Pritchard dismissed the claim. He said: "The comment by Coun Seabourne is more than a little misleading and somewhat disingenuous in view of discussion between him and me on this matter.

"It was Coun Seabourne himself who put forward the idea that, if the forum was to be a success, it needed to be owned and run by the 'locals'.

"Wychavon put in considerable effort to get the forum up and running and has agreed with Coun Seabourne that the organisation of the forum needs to transfer to the members.

Mr Pritchard said the council would continue to support the activities of the forum.

"It is regrettable that such a valuable initiative is being tainted by a misleading statement about this council continuing involvement," he added.

With the first phase of work now complete the forum has claimed a number of successes, including:

Dramatically cutting the amount of litter on the estate.

Grass cutting is about to be unified under one management team to boost efficiency.

Funding has been found for a kick-about area near the centre and consultation will begin immediately.

Community safety is being addressed by plans to appoint a Neighbourhood Watch warden.

The newly merged and strengthened community association is undertaking a refurbishment of the community hall.

Shop owners have been persuaded to take refurbishment of the shopping precinct seriously.