FOLK in Droitwich might want to study their family tree after workmen renovating a town house made an intriguing discovery.

A block of timber featuring the names of five men from 1889 has been uncovered in a Friar Street property.

Droitwich Roofing and Building specialists are currently transforming the established building into a family dwelling. They found the timber, wrapped in linen, in the roof.

Company owner Paddy Doyle said the names of Edward Wood, George Hemmens, Joseph Willis, Arthur Conway and Andrew Loughton were pencilled on the wood, which is dated April 1889.

He urged residents to check their family records because the men were likely to have lived in Droitwich.

"It's an amazing piece of history and it remains common practice among builders to leave a reminder of themselves after carrying out work," he said. "It's something we often do and have previously left engravings at St Martin's Church, in Birmingham and Winson Green Prison.

"I'm not sure what trade the men were from but hopefully residents may come forward and let us know."

Mr Doyle believes the property, once used as offices, dates back to the 17th Century. Anyone with information can call him on 01905 778120