A PERSHORE High School student has won every school-girl's dream - an all expenses paid trip to Norway to meet Blue.

"Certainly all my friends are very jealous and they are asking me to pass on their love and to bring back auto-graphs," said an excited Holly Taylor, aged 15, of Appletree Road, Pershore.

Holly beat off contestants in a national competition on BBC Radio One to win the trip.

Contestants were asked to write a tribute to Blue then sing it over the phone.

Listeners chose Holly and another girl to go into the final last Thursday where they had to answer questions about Blue.

"I won that and on April 30 I am going to Norway with my mum, Lucille, to meet Blue as they record their new album," Holly said.

A long-time fan of Blue, Holly saw them live in concert in Birmingham last December.

She has all their albums and her room is decorated with photographs and press cuttings of the band.

"Now that I have won this trip," said Holly, "I am an even bigger fan and can't wait to met them."