YOUNGSTERS running riot on a Kidderminster estate prompted councillors and police to call an emergency meeting in a bid to find solutions to the problems.

The meeting - due to take place at Franche Community Centre last night - was in response to incidents including intimidation of residents and car vandalism.

Howard Martin, a Wyre Forest district councillor for the ward, said youths, aged mainly 14 to 16, congregated on the estate, usually on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights.

He said: "They've been getting alcohol, drinking under age and no-one seems capable of controlling them.

"They're causing all sorts of problems. Residents have had enough of it."

He added: "They're breaking windows on cars; they're scratching them; they're jumping on them."

Most of the nuisance was being caused in Northumberland Avenue and Neville Avenue, according to councillor Martin, who said he had received 17 complaints from residents.

He said he also believed that many of the trouble-makers did not live on the estate but came in from other areas such as The Horsefair and Habberley, as well as far afield as from Halesowen.

"It's been going on for a long time but there's never been the problems there are now," said councillor Martin, who added: "One of the things we will have to look at is community wardens or Neighbourhood Watch."

He said that in one recent incident, a woman came out of Franche's Co-op store at 9.30pm to find youths lying across her bonnet of her car and in front of the wheels, demanding money before they would move and let her go on her way.

Franche's three district councillors, representatives of the police and Wyre Forest Community Housing's anti-social behaviour unit were due to attend last night's meeting on the issues arising from the problems and possible solutions.

Councillor Martin added that there were similar nuisance problems in Foley Park and felt youngsters' boredom was one of the causes.

Sgt Gurjit Singh, of Kidderminster police, said daily, "high visibility" patrols, using a mobile CCTV van, were being carried out in Franche in an effort to reassure residents.

He added: "Local beat officers are monitoring the situation and they intend to take robust action if anyone engages in disorder.

"I would urge anyone who is considering causing problems to stay away from the area."