PARISH COUNCIL: The chairman, Mr Derrick Grainger, emphasised the importance of completing nomination forms for election to the parish council in May. He said that these must be in to Wychavon by April 1. He said that the clerk, Mr Tim Foster, had some nomination and guidance packs, and that these were also available direct from Wychavon in Pershore. He also said that he hoped that some new people would come forward to administer this very important community service.

In his report on playing field matters, Mr Terry Onions said that he had agreed on the date of April 28 for spraying and fertilising the field. He said that the rugby club had requested permission to place a seat on the field in memory of Steve Llewellyn.

At the previous parish council meeting, a request had been made to the county council for street signs for Church Walk and Malt House Lane. The report came back this month that the powers that be had failed to locate them! What chance, therefore, would an ambulance or fire engine have of finding them?

GARDENERS: The next meeting of the Beckford and District Gardening Club will be on Wednesday, March 26, at Beckford Village Hall at 7.30pm, when Andy Peddick will talk about propagation. There will be a plant stall to which people may bring their surplus plants, and can find bargains at 25p a plant.

COFFEE MORNING: Don't forget the coffee morning for the Gorka Children's Hospital on March 27 at 35, Blenheim Drive.