GARDENING CLUB: Ebrington & District Gardening Club visited WJ Findons Nursery at Bordon Hill on March 11. Andrew Fuller greeted members with an introduction to the nurseries and gave us a conducted tour around the vast complex of greenhouses. The members of the club were able to see the automated

planting of seeds and the growth conditions of the various types of plants that were produced at the nursery. It was a very enjoyable evening and the members were pleased to have had the opportunity to see the commercial production of so many plants.

Saturday, April 5, is the spring show in the village hall. Members will be staging their flowers and plants between 9am and 11am. In the afternoon from 2.30 onwards the show is open for visitors and refreshments will be provided. The next meeting is the AGM on April 8, followed by

Glyn Jones, the head gardener at Hidcote Gardens, talking about the progress made in the gardens since the last visit. Visitors to individual meetings and new members are always welcome. For information ring 01386 593085.