A VALE of Evesham dairy farming family celebrated their 40th year on the farm by winning the herd championship in the Worcestershire Milk Records competition.

Among the 10 classes won by Robert and Linda Tarver, of Bishampton, with their home-bred Holstein Friesian herd was the top cow with Bishampton J Y Janice 12th.

But it was a success story that might well have never been. At the height of the foot and mouth epidemic two years ago the herd was almost wiped out.

"We had the army on the drive looking at where they might incinerate our herd or dig the grave," Mrs Tarver said. "It was that close."

"This was the first competition since then and we are absolutely thrilled. We didn't really expect to get these results."

The herd competition was judged on a combination of production and inspection points, and the herd now goes forward for judging in the regional competition later in the year.

The herd, which now numbers 120 cows, is milked three times a day and the rolling herd average is running at 11,000 litres per cow.

Wheat and maize for forage is grown alongside the grass on the 265-acre farm where all-year-round calving is practised. "It makes it easier from a management point of view and helps continuity of the milk supply," Mrs Tarver said.

Mr and Mrs Tarver won the herd competition in 1995, 1997 and 1999. "This one was rather special as the cows might not have been here and it coincided with the 40th anniversary of Robert's parents moving on to the farm," she said.