CSRF: Twenty-eight members attended the AGM on March 11 chaired by Mrs Anne Innes who welcomed everyone. There were several apologies for absence due to illness. Members were pleased to know that Charles Innes is making steady progress after his recent illness. Colin Woodman, treasurer, reported that the group continues sound financially and Jean Toon, secretary, spoke of the continuing good attendances. The present committee was re-elected en bloc with the exception of Anita Shoobridge who, although not present, had indicated to the group her resignation due to other commitments. Iris Queen and Brenda Marsh were proposed and seconded to serve as committee members.

The group's next meeting is at 10.30am on April 8 at Evesham Library when Mr Norman Ellis will speak about Saudi Arabia. New members welcome.

U3A: The next general meeting will be on Thursday, April 3, in the Public Hall, Evesham, at 2pm. The speaker will be Alec Kendall who will speak about The Market Town and Public Health.

Visitors and new members welcome.

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: At the February meeting of the Vale of Evesham Horticultural Society members were given a talk by Mr Peter Preece on Beginners Guide to Wildlife and this was illustrated with slides which Mr Preece had taken both at home and abroad of birds found in the garden and in the countryside.

On March 25 the meeting will be the members spring show and exhibits will be judged by Mr C Grove who will also be asked to bring slides of Old Evesham to show afterwards.

Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Wallace House, Evesham at 7.30pm and anyone who is interested is welcome.