ROYAL BRITISH LEGION WOMEN'S SECTION: Only nine members were able to come to the February meeting and were welcomed by Barbara Duckett, chairman.

Barbara was attending the Purse Lunch on March 8 when branches would be presenting their purses, hoping to surpass the last total amount which was more than £14,000 - Worcestershire being the highest on the donation list. All this money is raised by hard-working members at coffee mornings, bingo, etc, and goes towards the different schemes operated by the women's section.

Some members will be going to the group meeting at Badsey on April 23.

The annual coffee morning is on May 21. Starting at 10.30am at 23, The Chantry.

The speaker was Mr David Way, who had compiled a list of inventors and their inventions, some genuine and some imaginary. The part was to decide whether the descriptions were true or false. Barbara won a prize with 46 out of 50 answers correct.

At the March meeting the speaker will be Mr Heritage on Snowshill Manor.

The next meeting on Thursday, April 17, will be at the home of Pia Brewer in Peopleton, where members will be treated to a display and talk on A Lifetime of Needlework.