PARISH COUNCIL: The parish council meeting was held in Lower Moor Village Hall.

Highways: The WCC Highways Department is issuing a monthly statement on major works to be carried out in the future including works by Severn Trent Water.

Planning: The clerk had written to the enforcement officer of the WDC planning department with reference to the location of two caravans at the farther end of Church Lane.

Financial: Approval was given for payment of £141 to Clement Keys for the 2001/2002 audit. Approval was also given for the clerk to attend a quality parish training course.

Village clean-up: The council was made aware that a 'Village Clean Up Bursary' was being made available through Wychavon District Council.

Liaison meeting: Coun Gordon reported on the liaison meeting he had attended and the benefits of having a parish council representative at that quarterly meeting in respect of the landfill site.

Elections: In order to seek and encourage new members to the parish council for the elections on May 1, it was agreed to issue a leaflet with suitable wording to each household in the Hill & Moor Parish.

The next full parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 3.