ARISH COUNCIL: Severn Trent flood alleviation work is still ongoing.

A letter had been received from Worcestershire County Council stating that estimates were being obtained for repair work to the road from Farm Lane to School Lane.

The dog fouling bin is now in place opposite the church.

The noticeboard in Middle Littleton is to be repaired at a cost of £76.

Worcestershire County Council is to re-instate the grass verge on Pebworth Road.

The roof of the bus shelter in North Littleton is to be repaired at a cost of £175.

Notification of a rise in the cost of hire of the village hall had been received and councillors agreed to change the meeting dates for April and June to accommodate the use of the hall for local table tennis.

It was agreed to enter the parish games in 2003.

Discussion took place regarding a village clean up. This to be investigated further with Wychavon.

It was agreed that the mowing of the grass surrounding the village hall to be included with the parish grass cutting.