RBL WOMEN'S SECTION: The March meeting took place recently. The chairman, Wendy Griffiths, opened the meeting and welcomed members. She put resolutions to be debated at national conference to members.

Following the treasurer and secretary's reports, refreshments were served. The speaker for the evening was Mr Burrows a chiropodist from Malvern, who gave an interesting and enlightened talk as well as showing slides about his work. The raffle and 150 Club was drawn.

Discussions took place as to what stalls would members run at the carnival and what help was needed. Eight members attended the annual county purse lunch held at Worcester Rugby Club, a cheque was presented for £700 to national funds.

The chairman closed the meeting at 9.30pm. Old and new members are welcome to the next meeting to be held on April 1 at Wulstan Hall.

FILM AT NUMBER 8: With Pershore and District Film Society, Saturday, March 22 at 7.30pm Thelma and Louise cert 18, 2hrs 9mins.

GALLERY AT NUMBER 8: Currently showing until April 5 - an exhibition by Stan Vick.

EASTER HOLIDAY ACTIVITIES AT NUMBER 8: Thursday, April 17 - Breakdance 10am - noon, 7-12 year olds £5; Thursday, April 24 - Hidden Treasure Art and Craft Workshop 1pm - 2.30pm, 5-7 year olds £4.50 and 2.45pm-4.45pm 7-12 year olds £5.

Book now - only a few places left. Call Charlotte at Number 8 on 01386 561906 or email charlotte-number8@compuserve.com.