THE names of two youths have been passed to police after vandals were caught on video stealing a camera from outside a Stourport dry cleaners.

An anonymous caller passed the details to Brian Glass who runs Mr Cleancalls after images from the recording were published in the Shuttle/Times and News.

Mr Glass, who is also a Wyre Forest district councillor and portfolio holder for the crime and disorder reduction partnership, said the incident proved the power of CCTV.

"I was given one or two ideas about who the perpetrators might be after it appeared in the paper, but then an anonymous caller gave two names which have been passed to the police who are acting upon the information," said Mr Glass.

The theft of the £1,000 camera happened on February 28 and Mr Glass has since replaced the camera - and mounted it higher up the wall of his High Street premises.

The camera records inside the building and Mr Glass said it proved the power of CCTV in identifying criminals.

"We don't have a lot of trouble in Stourport, our main problem is shoplifters. But the CCTV and the radio system operated by the shopkeepers, which is wonderful, works very well.

"CCTV assists greatly in a variety of ways.

"For example from time to time the police have collected video tapes just to prove that people they think have committed crimes but deny being in the area have been in Stourport at the time of the offences," he added.