LEE Sandford, 21, who took part in a burglary at the home of Steven Barnes days after he left for the Gulf in January, has escaped jail - and has instead been ordered to get help for his drug addiction.

Sandford, of Wiveldon Avenue, Wilden, admitted breaking into Steven's family home on January 13, three days after the sailor left for the war zone. He also admitted a break-in at the home of 81-year-old neighbour James Bunn.

Adam Western, defending, said Sandford hoped to rid himself of his drug addiction through the drug treatment and testing order. He had spent several weeks in custody and this had had a salutary effect.

Sandford's accomplice, 28-year-old Beau Broadhurst, of The Slad, Wilden, was jailed last month for three years and 11 months after admitting a series of burglaries.