IN RECENT years we have witnessed two major campaigns in Wyre Forest - the successful fight against the incinerator by SKI and the one to maintain full services at the hospital through Health Concern, and it is worth pondering the tactics both organisations employed.

SKI did its homework and mounted a campaign based upon facts and knowledge gained from similar fights throughout the world. It kept the public informed of difficult and complicated procedures through which it had to fight.

It took its allies from wherever they could be found, embracing all shades of political opinion. It worked hard behind the scenes without stirring up public fears. But most of all it was successful!

On the other hand Health Concern sloganised with all the enthusiasm of those blowing trumpets outside Jericho and then launched itself into a frenzy of political egotism mindless of the other problems it would have to face in running our district.

Local politicians of all shades were defeated in local elections, some who had steadfastly challenged any changes to our hospital set up ever since Malcolm Cooper, then of the health authority, came to the council chamber in 1993 to explain those that he proposed.

I was a councillor at the time and every councillor, irrespective of party, registered their vote against those changes.

They were also politicians who understood the complexities of running a district council and applying themselves to a wide range of issues and not just standing on a soap box.

Every week we read of further disasters in the running of our district. As we approach the local elections may I paraphrase the Bard. "Methinks thou hath protested enough!".

Could we please go back to people who knew what they were doing?


Baldwin Road
