IN a separate incident in Kidderminster last Thursday, a man pushed past a woman in the doorway of the town's retail market, grabbed her purse and ran off.

The thief, described as 6ft tall, slimly built, with short hair and wearing a tight-fitting leather-type jacket, threw the purse away after another man chased him and it was returned to the owner.

On the same day, a woman who had walked from Kidderminster's Abbey National bank into the nearby China Cave was approached and spoken to by another woman, who then ran off, as the victim realised her purse, containing £60 in cash, had gone missing from a bag left on the floor

The woman who ran off was described as white, aged around 30 and 5ft 5in. She had long brown hair and was wearing a black coat and had a foreign accent.

Another purse, containing £23 in cash, was taken from a female shopper who was also approached by a woman with a foreign accent and who had a boy aged about seven with her in Kidderminster's Marks and Spencer, again last Thursday.