UPON reading the Shuttle/Times & News about the probable loss of a cinema to Kidderminster; I felt the need to put pen to paper.

I live in Telford at present but have bought a house in Kidderminster which I will be moving into over the next few weeks with my fiance, who is from Kidderminster.

We are both avid cinemagoers and I for one was incredibly surprised that a town the size of Kidderminster does not have a cinema at all.

I would have thought the council would be keen to offer the people of the town an alternative and very popular attraction that would not only bring jobs, but also provide a needed leisure facility.

Being from outside Kidderminster it is obvious the town has suffered from the demise of the carpet industry, a fact that concerned me when I was considering moving to be near my fiance,.

However, I was impressed with the efforts of the council to "improve" the town with such developments as Tesco and the wharf in general which, when complete, will be a real asset.

What distresses me most is that sites such as the old B&Q building will be left empty and unlikely to gain a tenant. Yet a cinema would seem to be a fantastic solution. It has ample parking and is not in a residential area.

As you can see I am quite passionate about the subject and would hope that I can help in some way to make the powers- that-be understand that the people of Kidderminster not only want a cinema, but need one.


Weavers Court
