IT gives me great sadness and frustration that the chance of a cinema in our town now appears to be finally dead.

I feel that we should ask ourselves whether the retention of the Piano Building, which will no doubt give little benefit to the people of Kidderminster, at the expense of a cinema, is really what the vast majority of people want.

Is this another case of the silent majority losing out yet again to the very few who want to see Kidderminster returned to the Middle Ages?

After all, the Civic Society's other great coups are the listing of the weavers' cottages in the Horsefair (and yes, they are still there and still derelict), and the listing of the offices in Green Street, still unoccupied after extensive refurbishment.

We really must not let these unrepresentative and unelected people spoil the party for the rest of us.


Comberton Road
