COUNCILLOR Trudy Burge has resigned from the Conservative group on Wychavon District Council. She has declined to comment on her resignation, or about her future as an elected member of the council, however her former colleagues have issued a statement.

Leader of the Conservative run council, Malcolm Meikle said: "Councillor Burge has a particular ability to identify with the concerns of her electors but she also has her own personal agenda.

"We believe a team approach is needed to get things done, as can be seen in Pershore during these last four years. It is certainly necessary to challenge bureaucracy, as displayed by the current proposed cuts in health provision. It is also no bad thing to have one's own personal views tested within a group."

Liberal Democrat councillor, Malcolm Argyle said: "Trudy is a strong character. It takes a lot to do what she has done and I congratulate her.

"When you are with a party you are very greatly influenced by them.

"I personally believe there should be no politics at district level - we should all be pulling together for the good of the community as a whole."