A DOG with nine lives is looking for a new home in Evesham.

Terrier Winston Churchill is 12 years old.

Despite suffering two strokes and a heart attack he remains as strong and determined as his namesake.

Winston was originally staying at the National Canine Defence League in Dumfries as a stray.

The league's Evesham manager Chris Slight said the terrier has been in great shape since arriving in the town.

He added: "Winston has a real zest for life. He is now taking life a little easier and is hoping that the good people of Herefordshire and Worcestershire will offer him a home."

Anyone willing to offer Winston a home will benefit from the organisation's fostering scheme.

The charity pays for all vets bills and medical expenses.

The most suitable environment for Wintson would be one where he could do small amounts of exercise.

If you are interested in re-homing Winston or any other rescue dog phone the National Canine Defence League's Evesham rehoming centre on 01386 830613.