AN excellent all-round team performance resulted in another victory for Worcester Swimming Club in the fourth round of the Wyvern Junior League.

A win from Laura Maguire, Naomi Southern, Victoria Pomeroy and Samantha Payne in the 11 yr girls freestyle relay set the pace for an exciting evening with an amazing tally of 29 wins and 23 second places from the 53 events.

There were other Worcester relay wins from Tom Watts, Harvey Simms, Matthew Everest and Richard Istead in the 13 years boys freestyle and medley relays. Istead then joined Matthew Whittaker, Nick Williams, and Andy Bourne to win the same events in the 15 age group.

The age 13 girls team of Chloe Naughton, Gabrielle Allen, Tara Jury and Danielle Hunt won both their relay events as did the age nine boys -- Gregory Everest, Chris Hallam, Rupert Monkhouse and Matthew Turner and the 10yr Girls -- Rachel Lane, Haylea Pyle, Becky Cox and Lydia Williams.

The age 15 girls Hayley Williams, Katie Askew, Gemma Ramsden and Kate Bastable won their medley relay.

The individual events produced victories courtesy of, Chloe Naughton (2) Matthew Everest, Ross Hampson, Gemma Ramsden, Andy Bourne (2), Samantha Payne, Katie Askew, Lydia Willi-ams, Danielle Hunt, Richard Istead (2), Gabrielle Allen, Hayley Williams and Hayley Pyle.

Worcester now go into the Wyvern League final to be held at the Worcester Swimming Pool on Saturday, March 29, in an extremely strong position with three wins and one second place so far in this competition.