The March speaker was Mrs P Harrison, on Ribbon Weaving. She demonstrated the skill needed for this Victorian craft, and displayed intricate patterns, some of which became optical illusions. Some of the samples were then made into Christmas decorations, cards and items of clothing.

Members were reminded of the bluebell walk in May in Shrawley Woods, and a visit to Bath on May 14.

Copies of the recipe for anyone wishing to enter this year's competition for the Annie Harrison Plate were distributed. The evening continued with two quizzes.

The first quiz was As We Were, featuring photographs of members when they were children. The second quiz, compiled by June Gordon and Doreen Chatwin, also had a historical theme - members had to identify events or facts ranging over the past 80 years. Winners of the quizzes each received a bunch of daffodils.

The next meeting, in Blakedown parish rooms, will be held on Wednesday, April 9, when J Luxton will present a talk entitled Crystal. The competition will be for a flower arrangement in the glass.

Meetings begin at 7.30pm.