A BROADWAY horse-training business has been refused permission to expand by councillors who thought new staff accommodation was unnecessary.

An application was submitted to construct a Cotswold-style building for staff accommodation and an office on Peasebrook Farm in Cheltenham Road.

The Berrow family, who set up the Peasebrook Stud Equestrian business on the site in 1987, claimed they needed to provide staff accommodation on site and improve security by having staff nearby in order to prosper in a competitive market.

But members of Wychavon District Council's development control and licensing committee said at a meeting last Thursday that the proposed building was over elaborate and unnecessary.

Councillor Audrey Steel said: "I can't see that any of this is necessary. It's way over the top."

Committee chairman, councillor Jean Dowty, added CCTV cameras would be ideal to improve security and a new building was not needed.

Amanda Berrow, who lives on the site with her family said they would be taking the matter to appeal.

"There was one loophole in the planning guidelines - they are against new buildings in the countryside, except in certain circumstances like a business," she said. "We were hoping that they would be supportive of a farming business which was diversifying, we would certainly appreciate some support. I'm glad that they are careful about new buildings, but we need this building."