BEWDLEY town centre streets could soon become booze-free if moves designed to curb anti-social behaviour are passed tonight.

Members of Wyre Forest District Council's executive will be asked to rubber-stamp the introduction of a "dry" zone drawn up by Bewdley Town Council and police, covering the town centre, Stourport Road and Riverside North.

It is likely to mark the end of a long process to ban alcohol drinking in Bewdley's streets which began in September.

The town council has led the call, although consultation with residents saw just 15 bother to respond out of 400 contacted.

Bewdley Police have proposed a six month trial.

Beat manager Nigel Barter said: "I would like to see the proposal approved as a useful addition to tackling the disorder that takes place in Bewdley town centre."

District councillor and town mayor Frank Baillie said the decision was crucial if Bewdley was to get to grips with drink-fuelled anti-social behaviour.

Of the 15 replies received by the council, nine were in support of the ban.

Among the dissenting voices was the Woodcolliers Arms at Welch Gate, a pub that falls within the proposed exclusion zone.

A spokesman for the pub said: "People during the summer want to get a drink and sit by the river.

" It is overkill."