BADSEY SOCIETY: It was announced at last week's Badsey Society committee meeting that the proposed archaeological field walk may have to be delayed until the autumn. This is due to the weather and when market-gardener Martin Dore, on whose land the walk is to take place, plants his beetroot. Carolyn Worth, who is organising the event, says that she is also looking into alternate walks at Black Banks and Foxhill, both sites where Roman artefacts have been found in the past.

Chairman Terry Sparrow reported that the society's asparagus video project was progressing well and filming dates and locations had been arranged with Badsey market-gardeners and the film's producer Emma-Jane Wheatley. A strong team was selected to represent the society at the forthcoming Badsey School PTA Quiz on April 5. The team is comprised of Terry Sparrow, Marion Allen, Carolyn Worth, and Will and John Dallimore.

Membership secretary Will Dallimore said membership was still increasing, however, until all annual fees were received it would be difficult to give an exact figure.

Society secretary Maureen Spinks said her proposed book for the society on Badsey's Schools was beginning to take shape and that she was liaising with Elizabeth Spencer, the head of Badsey First School, to integrate the book launch in October 2004 into a series of Victorian themed activities.

A unique chance to trace the history of your house is offered by the society tomorrow, when an illustrated talk by Elizabeth Howard, of the Worcestershire Records Office, headlines the evening at Badsey School starting at 7pm. Everyone is welcome, admittance is £1 (society members free), plus a raffle and refreshments.